Celebrities Who Are/Were Film Producers

This is a summary list of the celebrities in our Film Producer category. Browse our thousands of obituaries and find the Film Producer who died today, yesterday, this week, this year or those who passed away recently.

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Percy Gibson
Born: November 12th 1965 in Updock, Peru
Peter Brant
Born: March 1st 1947 in Queens, United States
Peter Douglas
Born: November 23rd 1955 in Los Angeles, United States
Peter Holm
Born: June 13th 1947 in Stockholm, Sweden
Raffaella De Laurentiis
Born: June 28th 1954 in Milan, Italy
Randall Emmett
Born: March 25th 1971 in Miami, United States
Ray Stark
Born: October 3rd 1915 in Chicago, United States
Reena Dutta
Born: January 1st 1985 in Washington, United States
Rick McCallum
Born: August 22nd 1950 in Heidelberg, Germany
Rick Salomon
Born: January 24th 1968 in Asbury Park, United States
Ridley Scott
Born: November 30th 1937 in South Shields, England
Robert Evans
Born: June 29th 1930 in New York City, United States
Ryan Coogler
Born: May 23rd 1986 in Oakland, United States
Sam Raimi
Born: October 23rd 1959 in Royal Oak, United States
Sean Covel
Born: March 4th 1976 in Newcastle, United States
Shauna Robertson
Born: December 18th 1974 in Toronto, Canada
Stephenie Meyer
Born: December 24th 1973 in Hartford, United States
Til Schweiger
Born: December 19th 1963 in Freiburg, Germany
Tim Zinnemann
Born: April 15th 1940 in Los Angeles, United States
Trudie Styler
Born: January 6th 1954 in Bromsgrove, England
Vanessa Vadim
Born: September 28th 1968 in Paris, France
Walter Mirisch
Born: November 8th 1921 in New York City, United States

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